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Tuesday’s Tidings for September 17, 2013

1. Today is Christian’s 9 month Birthday!!! Isn’t that amazing! He has officially been out for as long as he’s been in. For some reason, I scheduled his 9th month well checkup today! You know that that means right? The poor guy had to get pokies today :( He had his hemoglobin in his blood checked which looks at his iron level. Not only was that perfect, but he didn’t even feel the prick in his finger. But he also got the flu vaccine today, er phase one of the vaccine. He’s gotta go back in a month and get round 2, but he was so good about that today too. So here are the stats: Mr. Man weighs 18 lbs and 12 1/2 oz!! That’s almost no more rear-facing carseat weight! He’s also 27 inches in height. So he’s kind of a rotund shorty ;) For his age, he’s still hanging out in the 20th percentile of everything and right on pace! Yahoo!

2. It’s apple season and this time of year, Honeycrisp is my favorite, along with half of the rest of the world. Is it just me, or are they expensive where you live too? Like seriously, are they like the elite of the apple class? I bought one apple on Sunday because it was $3.99 lb! A POUND PEOPLE! That is just plain out highway robbery!

3. I’m already in the midst of planning next week’s menu. Josh will be gone and it will just be me and the kids. Grace has already asked for a meatloaf I made a couple of months ago. Josh despises meatloaf, and I keep trying different recipes on him hoping to change his mind. ( I doubt it will ever happen.) I think it’s a texture thing for him. So I’m planning on making that for us, along with a few other easy dinners that the kids never get or that I don’t make that often. I’ve got 3 dinners planned out with an idea for the 4th dinner, but I told the girls to pick something that I can make. But if they choose something I don’t want, then I’m vetoing it and going with my back up dinner idea.

4. The doc said I can start Christian on cheerios. I don’t remember when I gave the girls cheerios, but I’m pretty sure they had teeth. Christian is teething but still very toothless. I don’t think it will be long now though. Watch, he’ll finally cut the tooth and figure out crawling the week Josh is gone. It will be just my luck!

5. The last two days, I’ve gotten up at 5am! I AM SO NOT A MORNING PERSON! Monday was by my own choosing because it was Josh’s first day at the new job and I wanted to spend the morning with him and it was a good thing I woke up anyways, because Christian woke up at 6am. But then this morning, Christian got me up at 5am and I was dead asleep. I’m feeling kind of cranky.

6. I got some pumpkin goodies when we went grocery shopping on Sunday. Last year, I saw the bagels and the english muffins at the store once and then they were gone the rest of the season and I was really mad…ya know, I was pregnant and craving pumpkin! So when I saw the last bag of the bagels AND english muffins the other day I threw them in the cart. Josh told me to put one back. I threw a fit! LOL, like literally, the store was already more crowded on a Sunday than it usually is because of this huge sale going on, so I was already on edge, but then he tells me to pick ONE! I’m sorry…WASN’T GOING TO HAPPEN WITHOUT A FIGHT! The point is, I won and we were still basically where we needed to be budget wise and I’m thrilled. The Pumpkin Spice Bread is the Franz brand and my mom picked it up for her and I to share. So I got half a loaf and she got the other half. I’m dying!

7. The only thing I’m missing is my Pumpkin Eggnog…which is apparently, high in cholesterol! I say, who cares! It only comes out once a year! Live a little!

8. It feels like Fall today :)

9. Last night I dreamed that I woke up in the morning to the kids not doing as their instructed in the morning and I went ballistic on them and the fire department showed up and my neighbors were staring at me. I woke up at 8am ( this was after I had put Christian back to bed this morning) and I heard Grace already in the shower and Eden singing in her room. I assumed Eden wasn’t making her bed and getting dressed like she was supposed too, but Grace was in the shower and I was overjoyed! So I made a huge deal about how much I appreciated her listening and doing as I’ve been asking and just getting the day started without my prompting. Also, I’ve been a super, awesome-sweet mom today. I was determined not to be the scary mom version of me today.

10. I don’t feel like going to the gym today. Is it okay if I just skip it?