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Tuesday’s Tidings for July 3, 2012

1. I made dinner last night. A huge feat for me since I’ve been in bed all of last week. Dinner was delicious and it felt good to be doing something productive.

2. For the past two grocery shopping trips, Josh has done all of the shopping. Each trip he has surprised me by picking up muffin mix…something I don’t normally on hand since I tend to make my own by scratch. Last week was this yummy cinnamon streusel kind. This week blueberry, and he’s making them for me! I’m just thrilled with my thoughtful man for thinking of me and trying to get some easy snacks for me around the house. My house smells like Blueberry Muffins right now. Mmmm! :)

3. It makes me mad that I’m dealing with this rib pain, cough, and now, back pain. I had so many fun posts I was going to create for the 4th of July and I was unable to do any of it. Next year right?

4. Katie Holmes and Tom Cruise are getting divorced. I don’t generally rejoice when divorce happens because I think two people can work through the issues and make it work, but at the same time, ask me if I’m surprised? I’m surprised it lasted this long. Their daughter sure is a cutie though, I feel bad for her, because from the pics online, he does seem like a very loving father.

5. Adele is PREGNANT!!!! Is there anyone not pregnant right now??? Anyways, super happy for her and that baby will be talented FO SHO!

6. One of my pregnancy symptoms is that I’m always warm. Except for right now. Right now, I actually have goosebumps, lol! But those who know me, know I am always super duper cold all the time. The ceiling fan in our bedroom has been going non-stop and I get so hot at night. But right now, I’m cold. Like bundled up in the blankets on my bed cold. BRRRRR!

7. Tomorrow is the 4th of July! Exciting right? What are your plans?

8. So Josh made PW’s Eggs Benedict with Hollandaise Sauce on Saturday. Can I just say…AAAMAZING!!! Poached eggs are now my life! Remember that scene in Julie and Julia where Julie poaches an egg for the first time. She had many unsuccessful attempts in the beginning…just like Josh did. But then Success! It is as good as Julie makes it seem in the movie. I want more poached eggs!

9. What’s your favorite guilty pleasure snack? Mine is Popcorn, with extra butter. I’m eating popcorn right now, and it is YUMMY!

10. If you haven’t seen the movie “The Artist” yet, you should! It’s incredible!!!