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Weekly Menu for the Week of Feb 29th

Weekly Menu | Catz in the Kitchen | | #menu #mealplanFirst of all Happy Leap Day to everyone and for anyone whose birthday lands on the 29th, I apologize. Your birthday officially bites more than mine! How do you celebrate a Leap Year birthday? Do you party on the 28th or March 1st? Maybe pick a random February date? I’m curious…

Apparently the Academy Awards were on last night. I totally forgot until Josh reminded me and then he started listing off all of these movies that were winning and I was like, “I’ve never heard of that. I don’t know what that is.” and so on and so on. The only one I recognized was the Mad Max movie. Is that bad or sad or just not even a thing?

It’s the last day of February and the first week of March! I’m so excited for March – we’ve got some fun things on the calendar for our family, including spring break!

I’m taking the easy road this week with the weekly menu. Some family favorites that will make everyone happy!

For past menus, make sure you check out our past weekly menus or  pin from our Pinterest board. Have a great Leap Day and first week of March…spring is right around the corner, guys! YIPPEE!!